Modern i18n DX in TanStack Start with Paraglide JS

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While this tutorial is written for Paraglide v1 (current stable version), the official documentation has been prematurely updated to v2 which is still in development. Unfortunately, there’s currently no way to access the v1 documentation. I’ll update this tutorial once v2 is stable and generally available.

Why Paraglide?

While there are many i18n solutions available like react-i18next, FormatJS, and others, Paraglide JS stands out by offering a more modern, type-safe approach to internationalization. Here are the key benefits:

  • Type Safety: Full TypeScript support with compile-time checks for missing translations and parameters
  • Performance: Zero runtime overhead through compile-time optimizations and tree-shaking
  • Developer Experience: Excellent IDE support with inline previews and real-time validation
  • Modern Tooling: Part of the inlang ecosystem with AI-powered suggestions and automated workflows

Check out the official docs to learn more about what makes Paraglide unique

Getting Started

Before diving into Paraglide, let’s set up a fresh TanStack Start project. If you already have an existing project, just skip this.

First, create a new TanStack Start project:

# Get the template
npx degit start-basic

cd start-basic
npm install
npm run dev

Check out TanStack’s documentation for more setup options

Setting Up Paraglide

With our project ready, we can now add Paraglide. We’ll set it up with English (en) and German (de) as our languages:

# Install Paraglide and its Vite plugin
npm install -D @inlang/paraglide-js @inlang/paraglide-vite

# Initialize Paraglide
npx @inlang/paraglide-js@latest init

This command sets up your i18n environment by:

  1. Creating an inlang project configuration
  2. Installing required dependencies
  3. Generating the messages/ directory for your translations
  4. Creating the ./app/paraglide folder for compiled translations

Next, we need to configure the Vite plugin. This plugin automatically compiles your translations during development, eliminating the need to run the compile command manually when you make changes to your message files.

Open your app.config.ts file and add the Paraglide plugin:

import { defineConfig } from "@tanstack/start/config";
import tsConfigPaths from "vite-tsconfig-paths";
import { paraglide } from "@inlang/paraglide-vite";

export default defineConfig({
  vite: {
    plugins: [
        projects: ["./tsconfig.json"],
        project: "./project.inlang", // Path to your inlang project
        outdir: "./app/paraglide", // Where generated files will be placed

While Paraglide includes its own nested .gitignore, some AI-powered editors like Cursor might still try to analyze the compiled files in app/paraglide. Add this folder to your project’s .gitignore to prevent any unintended modifications.

Creating Your First Translations

Paraglide uses a flat JSON structure for translations. Here’s a simple example:

// messages/en.json
  "$schema": "",
  "hello": "Hello, world!",
  "some_flat_other_key": "Hey {name}, how are you?"

And the German equivalent:

// messages/de.json
  "$schema": "",
  "hello": "Hallo, Welt!",
  "some_flat_other_key": "Hey {name}, wie geht's dir?"

The official docs cover more advanced message formatting options

Using Translations in Your Application

Now that we have our translations set up, let’s create a new route to demonstrate how to use them. First, start your development server:

pnpm dev

Create a new route file at app/routes/hello-world.tsx:

// ./app/routes/hello-world.tsx
import { createFileRoute } from "@tanstack/react-router";
import * as m from "../paraglide/messages";

export const Route = createFileRoute("/hello-world")({
  component: RouteComponent,

function RouteComponent() {
  return (
    <div className="p-4">
      {/* This is a simple message */}
      <h1 className="text-2xl font-bold mb-4">{m.hello()}</h1>

      {/* This is a message with a parameter */}
      <p>{m.some_flat_other_key({ name: "Eugen" })}</p>

Your IDE will show errors if you try to use a message that doesn’t exist or if you forget to provide required parameters.

Adding Language Detection and Switching

Let’s create a language detection and switching system that integrates with TanStack Start’s routing and server functions. Create a new file at app/utils/i18n.ts:

// ./app/utils/i18n.ts
import { createServerFn } from "@tanstack/start";
import {
  type AvailableLanguageTag,
} from "../paraglide/runtime";
import { getWebRequest, setCookie } from "@tanstack/start/server";
import { useMatch, useRouter } from "@tanstack/react-router";

export const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: AvailableLanguageTag = "en";

export const readLanguageFromHtmlLangAttribute = () => {
  const language = document.documentElement.lang;
  if (isSupportedLanguage(language)) {
    return language;

export const getLanguageFromRequest = createServerFn({ method: "GET" }).handler(
  async () => {
    const request = getWebRequest();
    if (!request) return DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;

    const cookie = request.headers.get("cookie");
    const cookieLanguage = cookie
      ?.split("; ")
      .find((row: string) => row.startsWith("language="));
    const language = cookieLanguage?.split("=")[1];

    // Check cookie language first
    if (language && isSupportedLanguage(language)) {
      return language;

    // Parse accept-language header if no valid cookie language
    const acceptLanguage = request?.headers.get("accept-language");
    if (acceptLanguage) {
      // Split into individual language tags and their quality values
      const languages = acceptLanguage.split(",").map((lang) => {
        const [tag, quality = "q=1"] = lang.trim().split(";");
        return {
          tag: tag.trim(),
          quality: parseFloat(quality.split("=")[1]),

      // Sort by quality value
      languages.sort((a, b) => b.quality - a.quality);

      // Find the first supported language
      for (const { tag } of languages) {
        if (isSupportedLanguage(tag)) {
          return tag;

    // Fallback to default language

const setLanguage = createServerFn({ method: "POST" })
  .validator((data: { locale: string }) => data)
  .handler(async ({ data: { locale } }) => {
    setCookie("language", locale);

export const useLanguage = () => {
  const router = useRouter();
  const match = useMatch({ from: "__root__" });
  const language = match?.context.language ?? DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;
  const setLanguageFn = async (language: AvailableLanguageTag) => {
    await setLanguage({ data: { locale: language } });
    await router.invalidate();
  return [language, setLanguageFn] as const;

const isSupportedLanguage = (
  language: string | null | undefined
): language is AvailableLanguageTag => {
  if (!language) return false;
  return availableLanguageTags.includes(language.trim() as any);

The code above implements a simple language detection flow: first checking for a saved language in cookies, then falling back to the browser’s language preferences (using accept-language headers with quality values to rank language preferences), and finally defaulting to English if no matches are found.

Setting Up Root Route

Now let’s set up the root route to handle language initialization. Create app/routes/__root.tsx:

// ./app/routes/__root.tsx
import { Link, Outlet, createRootRoute } from "@tanstack/react-router";
import { TanStackRouterDevtools } from "@tanstack/router-devtools";
import { Meta, Scripts } from "@tanstack/start";
import { setLanguageTag } from "../paraglide/runtime";
import { getLanguageFromRequest } from "~/utils/i18n";

export const Route = createRootRoute({
  component: RootComponent,
  beforeLoad: async () => {
    const language = await getLanguageFromRequest();
    return { language };
  loader: async ({ context }) => {
    return { language: context.language };

function RootComponent() {
  return (
      <Outlet />

function RootDocument({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
  const { language } = Route.useLoaderData();
  return (
    <html lang={language}>
        <Meta />
        <TanStackRouterDevtools position="bottom-right" />
        <Scripts />

Client-Side Setup

Set up your client entry point at app/client.tsx:

// ./app/client.tsx
import { hydrateRoot } from "react-dom/client";
import { StartClient } from "@tanstack/start";
import { createRouter } from "./router";
import { setLanguageTag } from "~/paraglide/runtime";
import { readLanguageFromHtmlLangAttribute } from "./utils/i18n";

const router = createRouter();

// Read language from the server-rendered HTML
setLanguageTag(() => readLanguageFromHtmlLangAttribute());

hydrateRoot(document, <StartClient router={router} />);

Creating a Language Switcher

Next we need a some way to switch languages. So let’s create a language switcher component at app/components/LanguageSwitcher.tsx:

// ./app/components/LanguageSwitcher.tsx
import {
  type AvailableLanguageTag,
} from "../paraglide/runtime";
import { useLanguage } from "../utils/i18n";

const LANGUAGE_NAMES: Record<AvailableLanguageTag, string> = {
  en: "English",
  de: "Deutsch",

export function LanguageSwitcher() {
  const [currentLanguage, setLanguage] = useLanguage();

  return (
    <div className="flex gap-2">
      { => (
          className={`px-2 py-1 rounded ${
            currentLanguage === lang ? "bg-blue-100" : ""
          onClick={() => setLanguage(lang)}

The language switcher uses TanStack’s invalidation instead of page reloads, making language switching feel instant while preserving application state.

Using the Language Switcher

Add the language switcher to your route component:

import { createFileRoute } from "@tanstack/react-router";
import * as m from "../paraglide/messages";
import { LanguageSwitcher } from "../components/LanguageSwitcher";
import { useLanguage } from "~/utils/i18n";

export const Route = createFileRoute("/hello-world")({
  component: RouteComponent,

function RouteComponent() {
  const [language] = useLanguage();

  return (
    <div className="p-4">
      <h1 className="text-2xl font-bold mb-4">Current Language: {language}</h1>
      <h1 className="text-2xl font-bold mb-4">{m.hello()}</h1>
      <p>{m.some_flat_other_key({ name: "Eugen" })}</p>

      <div className="mt-4">
        <LanguageSwitcher />

Enhancing DX

Now that we have our basic i18n setup working, let’s improve our development experience with some powerful tools from the inlang ecosystem.

VS Code Integration with Sherlock

To make working with translations easier and catch issues early, install the Sherlock extension from VS Code marketplace. This extension provides real-time feedback and suggestions for your translations.

  1. Install the Sherlock extension from the VS Code marketplace
  2. Open your project in VS Code
  3. The extension will automatically detect your inlang project configuration

If you don’t see your project in the Sherlock inspector, try reloading VS Code (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + P, then type “Reload Window”).

Once installed, you’ll see inline previews of your translations directly in the code:

Sherlock extension showing inline translation previews

Understanding Lint Rules

When you initialize a Paraglide project, it comes with several pre-installed lint rules out of the box:

Empty PatternFlags empty string values"key": ""
Missing TranslationFlags keys missing in target languagesmissing 'greeting' in de.json
Without SourceEnsures translations exist in the source language (en)key exists in de.json but not in en.json

Let’s add two additional lint rules to catch more translation issues:

Identical PatternFlags identical translations across languages"greeting": "Hello" in both files
Snake Case IDEnforces snake_case for message IDs"my_greeting" vs "myGreeting"

Update your project.inlang.json:

  "$schema": "",
  "sourceLanguageTag": "en",
  "languageTags": ["en", "de"],
  "modules": [
    // Pre-installed lint rules
    // Required plugins
    // Additional lint rules we're adding
  "plugin.inlang.messageFormat": {
    "pathPattern": "./messages/{languageTag}.json"

Seeing Lint Rules in Action

Let’s intentionally break some lint rules to see how Sherlock helps us identify and fix issues. First, add these problematic translations to your message files.

In messages/en.json:

  // ... existing translations ...
  "badTranslation": "This is a bad translation",
  "identical_text": "Same text in both languages"

In messages/de.json:

  // ... existing translations ...
  "identical_text": "Same text in both languages"

Now, let’s use these translations in our route. Update app/routes/hello-world.tsx:

import { createFileRoute } from "@tanstack/react-router";
import * as m from "../paraglide/messages";
import { LanguageSwitcher } from "../components/LanguageSwitcher";

export const Route = createFileRoute("/hello-world")({
  component: RouteComponent,

function RouteComponent() {
  return (
    <div className="p-4">
      <h1 className="text-2xl font-bold mb-4">{m.hello()}</h1>
      <p>{m.some_flat_other_key({ name: "Eugen" })}</p>

      {/* Adding our problematic translations */}
      <div className="mt-4">

      <div className="mt-4">
        <LanguageSwitcher />

You should now see several lint errors in your IDE:

Sherlock showing lint errors in the translation files

Let’s fix these issues one by one:

I think this is quite nice DX. Having all those errors etc. makes it harder to make mistakes.

Limitations and Considerations

While Paraglide JS offers many advantages, it has some limitations to consider:

  • Runtime Flexibility: Translations are compiled at build time, so dynamic loading isn’t possible. This mainly affects content-heavy sites like blogs or e-commerce platforms that need translations from a database or CMS. Most CMSs have their own translation systems you can use instead.
  • Ecosystem Maturity: Being newer than alternatives, some advanced features are still in development. Version 2 will add pluralization and gender support, and the ecosystem is actively growing with regular updates.
  • Build Time Overhead: The compilation step adds a small build overhead, though it’s usually negligible.

Wrapping Up

Throughout this guide, we’ve explored integrating Paraglide JS with TanStack Start to create a modern, type-safe internationalization system. We’ve covered:

  • Setting up Paraglide JS in a TanStack Start project
  • Creating and managing translations with full type safety
  • Implementing language detection and switching
  • Leveraging VS Code extensions for better DX
  • Understanding and working with lint rules

Paraglide JS stands out for its strong developer experience, type safety, and performance - key features for modern React projects. Its compile-time optimizations and tooling support make it particularly effective for teams building maintainable applications.

If you’re starting a new project or looking to modernize your i18n setup, give Paraglide JS a try.

Useful Resources

© 2025 Eugen Eistrach.